讀完了The History Boys。好的劇本是一個演出成功的一半。這本書值得一看再看。有很多段對白都令人回味。這一段有關入學面試的對話,節錄出來分享一下。
人物: 老師三位 (T1-3),學生數人 (S1/2....) 地點:班房內
T1, T2 and T3 are sitting behind the table, pretending to be the examination board.
T1 : Anything provocative in your papers and they may question you on that. Otherwise they are likely to be the usual, 'What are your hobbies?' type questions.
T2 : S1. You say you're interested in architecture. Who is is your favourite architect?
S1 : Richard Rogers.
T2 : I was thinking more along Wren-Hawksmoor lines. Richard Rogers? Doesn't he write musicals?
S1 : Oh, miss. It's a different one. You wouldn't get far, miss.
T2 : Nor will you. Next. Now, S2. One of your interesets is in theatre. Tell us about that.
S2 : I'm keen on acting. I've done various parts, favourite being.....
T1 : Can I stop you? Don't mention the theatre.
S2 : It's what I'm interested in .
T1 : Then soft pedal it, the acting side of it anyway. Dons.... most dons anyway.... think the theatre is a waste of time. In their view any undergraduate keen on acting forfeits all hope for good degree.
T3 : So much for Shakespeare.
T1 : It's not the plays, it's the acting of the plays,Shakespeare, anybody. It's no fun teaching the stage struck.
T3 : And isn't being stage struck part of their education?
S3 : Music is alright though, isn't it? They don't frown on that.
T3 : No. You should just say what you enjoy.
S3 : Mozart.
T1 : No, no. Everyone likes Mozart. Somebody more off the beaten track. Tippett, say, or Bruckner.
S3 : But I don't know them.
T3 : May I make a suggestion? Why can they not all just tell the truth?
T1 : It's worth trying, provided, of course, you can make it seem like you're telling the truth.
T3 : Oh, yes, a degree of presentation....
[ 乜:Owing to space, I leave out some of the discussions about female historians, which bring out the gender issue, also quite interesting]
T2 : You should note, boys, that your masters find this undisguised expression of feeling distasteful, as, I see, do some of you.
T1 : S4 ?
S4 is interviewed.T2 : Now. How do you define history, S4?
S4 : Can I speak freely, miss? Without being hit.
T2 : I will protect you.
S4 : How do I define hisotry? It's just one fucking thing after another.
T3 makes a moves to hit him is forestalled.
T2 : I see. And why do you want to come to Christ Church?
S4 : It's the one I thought I might get into.
T1 : No other reason?
S4 shook his head.T2 : Do you like the architecture, for instance?
S4 : They will ask me about sport, wont' they?
T2 : If you're as communicative as this they may be forced to.
T1 : The point is, S4, that even if they want to take you on the basis of your prowess on the field you have to help them to pretend at least there are other considerations.
S4 thinks.
S4 : I'm keen on a film.
T1 : What film?
S4 : Well, lots of films, only Miss said to say film or films.
T2 : No, S4. What I said was that it sounds better to say 'I'm keen on a film' rather than 'I like films'.
T1 : Like what?
S4 thinks.
S5 : Say, This Sporting Life.
S4 shakes his head. It's about rugger.
S4 : I'd like to see that. Is it recent? Look, I'm shit at all this, sorry. If they like me and they want to take me they'll take me because I'm dull and ordinary. I'm no good in interviews but I've got enough chat to take me round the golf course. You think that's a joke, but golf makes the same sense to me as architecture or films do to you. You may not rate it but it's an accomplishment. I may not know much about Jean-Paul Sartre, but I've got a handicap of four.
T2 : Where have you heard about Sartre ?
S4 : He was a good golfer.
T3 : Really. I never knew that. Interesting.
Bell goes
T1 : Remember also, our puny efforts notwithstanding, you will be up against boys and girls who have been taught better then you.
T3 : Taught differently, anyway.
T1 & T3 go.
S5 : How did you knowSartre was a golfer?
S4 : I don't know that he was. How could I? I don't even know who the fuck he is. Well, they keep telling us you have to lie.
S2 : I've a feeling Kafka was good at table tennis.
S1 : Yes?
S2 : I'll be glad when we can be shot of all this shit.
【The History Boys 是在2006年香港藝術節的演出。我在較早時寫了幾篇網誌有關這齣戲:歷史與教育 (一),歷史與教育 (二), 歷史與教育 (三) 】