Vicio 早前講他的玩卜破財實錄,哈,真是彼此彼比,我這陣子也血流成河。
緣起: 《生之欲/流芳頌 Ikiru》是Panda Roll 在網誌內介紹她所看的戲,得知乜都睇喜歡好劇本,Vico 看到後留言極力推介。復活節假期時沒有Drama 看在HMV 狂掃了一些DVD,多是幾十元的貨色。看見黑澤明的《羅生門》,《美好星期天》等只賣到$20,嘩, 這《生之欲》要$300 那麼貴呢?心想,Vicio 你這好介紹呢.....猶豫之際又想,不是呢,起緣是panda 嘛,連小妹也說好,也錯不了吧。心忖: 哼,若有甚麼差池,你們兩個呢 .....
由第一次看,然後再看,到開始抄寫台詞,看隨碟附加的幾段影片,包括黑澤明談自己影片的劇本,音樂,拍攝等等,這戲的評論及一個包括製作這片的紀錄片;然後寫我的感想....我就開始了這個所謂 " Ikiru project "。在繁忙的生活中尋找一點點樂趣。 這幾百元實在花得值得。
Vicio 已把她的故事簡單介紹,不再在此重覆。我只選一些我感受至深的和大家分享一下。
既說讀劇本,抄幾段好台詞和大家分享 :
(Narration at the beginning)
He's simply passing time without actually living his life.
In other words, he's not even living alive.
He might as well be a corpse.
In fact, he has been dead for more than 20 yrs.
Before that, he had lived a little.
But now, there's barely a trace of his old passion and ambition.
He's been worn down completely by the minitures of the bureaucratic machine,
and the meaningless businesses it breeds.
Busy, always so very busy.
But in fact, this man does absolutely nothing at all.
Other than protecting his own spot,
the best way to protect your place in this world is to do nothing at all.
Is this really all a life is about ?
Is this really all a life is about ??
(The conversation between the old man and the writer)
We human are so foolish,
we only realize how beautiful life is
when we chance upon death.
But few of us are actually able to face death.
The worst ones know nothing until they die.
It's our human duty to enjoy life.
Wasting it, you desecrate God's great gift
We've got to be greedy about living.
We learned that greed is a vice.
But that's old.
Greed is a virtue.
Especially this greediness for life ....
(The song "Life is brief")
Life is briefFall in love, maidensBefore the crimson bloom fades from your lipsBefore the tides of passion cool within youFor those of youWho know no tomorrow
Life is briefFall in love, maidensBefore your raven tresses begin to fadeBefore the flames in our hearts flicker and dieFor those to whomToday will never return
(The old man said to a young girl)
Why are you so incredibly alive?
You're just so alive
That's why I'm enviousThis old mummy envies you
Before I die, I wish to live one day like you.
I'll live that way before I die. Until I have done it, I can die…
(The old man said to himself under the sunset)
How beautifulHow truly beautifulIn the last 30yrs, I'd all but forgotten about sunsetBut I haven't got time for this now
每天營營役役煩忙的你, 有否想過這是為了甚麼呢 ? 金錢 ? 權力 ? 幸福美滿的家庭 ? 兒孫成群 ? 或是像主角般會被生活上工作上的鎖事磨平了鬥志 ? 你為了誰而生 ? 若醫生告訴你病了, 你第一時間想告訴誰 ? 有沒有想過你死後有誰會記掛著你 ? 你又想誰去記掛著你 ?
我想: 要懂得愛別人, 首先要愛惜自己。每人到這世上來一趟, 出生那一天已可預見死亡, 生老病死是逃避不了的。生存也並不為誰。隻身而來, 空手而去, 就是世上有愛你的丈夫/父母/妻兒/朋友, 最終面對一切的還是你自己,何況現實豈會盡如人意。悲觀嗎 ? 不是, 把思想搞清了, 那才會懂得怎樣珍惜一切, 遇到不開心事時, 才能放開懷抱一笑置之。我想, 若能盡了本份走這人生路, 便能坦然面對死亡 。
Seize the day !! (想起了另一齣我喜歡的電影 Dead Poet Society )。
【其實這篇文章已寫了一段時間,修改了數次,也躊躇怎麼在這個劇場 blog 內發表,實在多得Vicio 幫助開了個頭。】