哈洛品特 (Harold Pinter) 的《背叛性行為 Betrayal》
Scene Three
Jerry : It's not a home. 呢度唔係一個屋企。
(Pause) (停頓)
Jerry : .... I know what you wanted... but it could never .... actually be a home. You have a home. I have a home. With curtains, etcetera. And Children. Two children in two homes. There are no children here, so it's not the same kind of home. ... 我知道你想要啲咩....但係呢度永遠都唔會係一個真正嘅屋企。你有一個屋企,我有一個屋企。一個有窗簾同其他嘢嘅屋企。仲有,細路仔。兩個屋企有兩個細路仔。呢度冇細路仔,所以唔會係一個真正嘅屋企。
Emma : It was never intended to be the same kind of home. Was it? 呢度由一開始都唔係一個真正嘅屋企,係咪?
(Pause) (停頓)
Emma : You didn't ever see it as a home, in any sense, did you? 你一直都唔當呢度係一個屋企,係咪?
Jerry : No, I saw it as a flat .... you know. 係,我只係當呢度係一個單位,你明架...
Emma : For fucking. 用嚟 [ 門小* ] 我架嘛。 (普通話版:用來做愛。) (*打唔到個粗口門內小)
Jerry : No, for loving. 唔係,係用嚟愛你架。(普通話版:不是,用來談情說愛。)
Emma : Well, there's not much of that left, is there? 但係已經唔係剩番好多喇嘛,係咪?
(Silence) (靜默)
Jerry : I don't think we don't love each other. 我唔認為我哋唔愛對方。
乜按:張秉權博士說有關翻譯的「文化差異」時,引用這個戲作例子。張博士於1996年曾經為《赫墾坊》劇團翻譯及導演這齣戲。上文 (包括home,flat) 是婆婆的翻譯 (是跟據2002年聽講座時筆錄張博士所說而譯出來,但因事隔太久,不能肯定是否其原意)。Fucking,loving 卻肯定是張博士的譯本 ,在下述的《翻譯秘技大公開》講座記錄內也有刊載。
張博士指出,有些英文字是怎麼也找不到對等的中文字來表達。以fucking 和 loving為例,他選了粗口字「門小」和「愛」來區分是因為原文 fucking 是一個動作,一種行為 (相對於 make love,「做愛」是有情感在內)。
根據劇情,Emma 的感情是累積了很多不滿,那句 fucking 是帶點怨懟說出,「門小」一字說出來便有石破天驚之感─當年飾演Emma 的胡美儀,在台很大聲地說這句台詞,就令我印象深刻。
張博士覺得他的譯本未達到作者用字的原意,因為英文 fucking (to have sex) 是中性的一個字,當中男女平等,沒有誰做主導的意思。但中文「門小」則有男性主導之意,意思便偏離了。
至於home和 flat,是取其口語化的翻譯,較適合戲中整體語言和舞台劇需要。
王爾德 (Oscar Wilde) 的《不可兒嬉 The Importance of Being Earnest》
Act I
Jack : You had better dine with your Aunt Augusta. 你還是陪你的歐姨媽吃晚飯好了。
Algernon : I haven't the smallest intention of doing anything of the kind. To begin with, I dined there on Monday, and once a week is quite enough to dine with one's own relatives. In the second place, whenever I do dine there I am always treated as a member of the family, and sent down with either no woman at all, or two. In the third place, I know perfectly well whom she will place me next to, tonight. She will place me next Mary Farquhar, who always flirts with her own husband across the dinner-table. That is not very pleasant. Indeed, it is not even decent ... and that sort of thing is enormously on the increase. The amount of women in London who flirt with their own husbands is perfectly scandalous. It looks so bad. It is simply washing one's clean linen in public. Besides, now that I know you to be a confirmed Bunburyist I naturally want to talk to you about Bunburying. I want to tell you the rules.
我根本不想去。首先,上禮拜一我已經去吃過一次飯了,陪自己的親戚每禮拜吃一頓飯,也夠了。其次,我每回去姨媽家吃飯,她總當我做自家人,排我的座位,不是旁邊一個女人也沒有,就是一口氣有兩個。第三呢,我明明知道今晚她會把我排在誰的旁邊。她會把我排在花夫人的旁邊;這花夫人哪,老愛隔著餐桌跟自己的丈夫打情罵俏。這實在不很愉快。說真的,甚至於不大雅觀... 這種情形正在變本加厲。在倫敦,跟自己丈夫打情罵俏的女人,數量之多,簡直不像話。太難看了。簡直當眾自表清白。話說回來,既然我知道你是個不折不扣的兩面人了,我自然要跟你講講兩面人的事情。我要教你一套幫規。
乜按:成語 "washing one's dirty linen in public" 是當眾洗自己的骯髒衣物,即家醜外揚之意。王爾德把成語巧妙地轉一轉, 說成 "washing one's clean linen in public" (當眾洗自己的乾淨衣物),便產生令人會心微笑的效果 (按:這種句子稱為翻案句) 。
上文是余光中的翻譯本。他在書中說:「這種情形譯者最感兩難:意譯吧 (按:當眾自表清白),會失去翻案句 的反彈力;直譯吧 (按:當眾洗自己的乾淨衣物),中國讀者又沒有心理背景。」
【《翻譯秘技大公開》劇場空間 6.10.2002 - 1.12.2002 牛池灣文娛中心展覽廳/《不可兒戲》余光中譯 天地出版社】