薩埃里利一直認為自己是個天才。當他發覺莫札特儼然是神所選定來宣揚祂美妙樂章的樂師,自己怎樣也比不上莫時,他既嫉妒又憤怒。薩對神的安排充滿怨恨。他向主怒吼的獨白,當年King Sir 演繹,令人透不過氣來。另一段獨白是劇末薩埃里利經已瘋癲,深心不憤卻只能承認自己不足,含怨自盡 。
Act One Scene 12
Capisco! I know my fate. Now for the first time I feel my emptiness as Adam felt his nakedness.... (Slowly he rises to his feet)
Tonight at an inn somewhere in this city stands a giggling child who can put on paper, without actually setting down his billiard cue, casual notes which turn my most considered ones into lifeless scratches.
Grazie, Signore! You gave me the desire to serve You - which most men do not have - then saw to it the service was shameful in the ears of the server.
Grazie! You gave me the desire to praise You - which most men do not feel - then made me mute.
Grazie tanti! You put into me perception of the Incomparable - which most men never know ! - then ensured that I would know myself forever mediocre.
(His voice gains power) Why? ... What is my fault? ... Until this day I have pursued virture with rigor. I have labored long hours to relieve my fellow men. I have worked and worked the talent You allowed me. (Calling up) You know how hard I've worked!
Solely that in the end, in the practice of the art which alone makes the world comprehensible to me, I might hear Your Voice! And now I do hear it - and it says only one name : MOZART! ... Spiteful, sniggering, conceited, infantine Mozart - who has never worked one minute to help another man! Shit-talking Mozart, with his botty-smacking wife! Him You have chosen to be Your sole conduct! And my only reward - my sublime privilege - is to be the sole man alive in this time who shall clearly recognize Your Incarnation!
(Savagely) Grazie e grazie ancora! (Pause) So be it! From this time we are enemies, You and I! I'll not accept it from You - do you hear? ... They say God is not mocked. I tell You, Man is not mocked!... I am not mocked! ... They say spirit bloweth where it listeth : I tell You NO! It must list to virtue or not blow at all !!
(Yelling) Dio ingiusto - You are the Enemy! I name Thee now - Nemico Eterno! And this I swear : To my last breath I shall block You on earth, as far as I am able! (He glares up at God. To audience) What use, after all, is man, if not to teach God His lessons?
Act Two Scene 18
(To Audience) Dawn has come. I must release you - and myself. One moment's violence and it's done. You see, I cannot accept this. I did not live on earth to be His joke for eternity. I will be remembered! I will be remembered! - if not in fame, then infamy.
One moment more and I win my battle with Him. Watch and see!... All this month I've been shouting about murder. "Have mercy, Mozart! Pardon you Assassin!" ... And now my last move. A false confession - short and convincing!
(He pulls it out of his pocket) How I really did murder Mozart - with arsenic - out of envy! And how I cannot live another day under the knowledge! By tonight they'll hear out there how I died - and they'll believe it's true ! ... Let them forget me then. For the rest of time whenever men say Mozart with love, they will say Salieri with loathing!... I am going to be immortal after all! And He is powerless to prevent it.
(To God) So Signore - see now if man is mocked! (The Valet comes in with a tray, bearing a bowl of hot shaving water, soap and a razor. ....(some parts omitted owing to insufficient space)... Salieri picks up the razor, and rises. He addresses the audience most simply and directly.)
Amici cari. I was born a pair of ears and nothing else. It is only through hearing music that I know God exists. Only through writing music that I could worship.... all around me men seek liberty for mankind. I sought only salvery for myself. To be owned - ordered - exhausted by an Absolute Music. This was denied me, and with it all meaning.
(He opens the razor) Now I go to become a ghost myself. I will stand in the shadows when you come here to this earth in your turns. And when you feel the dreadful bit of your failures - and hear the taunting of unachievable, uncaring God - I will whisper my name to you : "Salieri : Patron Saint of Mediocrities!" And in the depth of your downcastness you can pray to me. And I will forgive you. Vi saluto.
(He cuts his throat, and falls backwards into the wheelchair.....)
【Amadeus by Peter Shaffer, Harper & Row Publishers / 網上找新的版本:Amadeus at Amazon 】